Suborbital Spaceflight Training


Gain the academic training and hands-on experience necessary for suborbital, horizontally-launched spaceflight mimicking the Virgin Galactic suborbital flight experience.


LOCATION: Southampton, Pennsylvania, USA
AVAILABILITY: Available now


During your training in the STS-400 High Performance Human Centrifuge at the NASTAR Center, you’ll experience the same elevated g-forces and visuals as you would on a Virgin Galactic horizontally-launched suborbital flight. The elevated g-force experience along with academic training will adequately prepare you for this flight. Your training will progress as follows:


- Welcome & Introduction at the NASTAR Center Russell Room
- Tour of the NASTAR Center
- Suborbital Spaceflight Academics: learn the physical and physiological effects of accelerations and high-g exposures
- Gz Conditioning / Evaluation Flights #1 and #2: monitored, coached, and recorded
- Lunch Break
- Gx Conditioning / Evaluation Flights #3 and #4: monitored, coached, and recorded
- End of Day Debrief and Group Q&A Session

DAY 2  

- Welcome & Review of Day 1
- Suborbital Spaceflight Training Profile
- STS-400 Suborbital Space Flight #5: launch, weightless period, and re-entry at 50% of Suborbital Space Launch Profile 
- STS-400 Suborbital Space Flight #6: launch, weightless period, and re-entry at 100% of Suborbital Space Launch Profile 
- Lunch Break
- Debrief, Q&A, and Graduation Ceremony

Note: NASTAR offers Suborbital Spaceflight Training, Orbital Spaceflight Training, and Advanced Human Space Flight Training. The Advanced Human Space Flight Training is combined with the one-day Orbital and / or the two-day Suborbital Program and will extend your stay at the NASTAR Center by one additional day.


Sponsorship: Sponsor an individual or group experience.


FAA Class 3 Medical Certificate or equivalent is required.

Trainees are expected to be in good health and capable of taking part in all activities.


Virgin Galactic doesn’t take off like a traditional spaceship. Instead, it takes off similar to like a regular airplane and reaches about 50,000 feet before it is released from the “mothership” and boosted up into space (see illustration below). This means that passengers experience different gravitational forces than they would during a vertical launch, like Blue Origin. This suborbital spaceflight training program prepares you for both horizontal and vertical g-forces.